Divorce Advice – Your First Meeting with A Divorce Attorney

It can be intimidating to meet a divorce attorney to talk about your marriage that is about to end legally. But the difficult process should not hold you back from doing things the right way. Luckily, divorce attorneys are already familiar with such situations and are always ready to help you get through them. 

Considering that it will cost you money every time you meet with the attorney, it is important to ensure that you get it right from the first meeting. You should maximize every opportunity you get to sit down so that you can share your goals and concerns and even get familiarized with what can be expected from the proceedings. Below are some things you should do to maximize the first meeting with your Miami family law attorney

1. Write all questions you need to be answered 

It is natural to forget things that are very important when you need to remember them most. To avoid a situation where you only remember an important question late, prepare a list of important questions you would like the attorney to answer when you meet. When armed with the questions, you will have a systematic meeting and have all big issues addressed. 

2. Carry all relevant documents 

Finances play a huge role in divorce settlements, and your attorney will most definitely need the bank records. Other documents you should consider bringing include tax return records, mortgage, and retirement statements. During the meeting, you will share loads of information with the attorney, but there is much more they can gather from the documents. A good divorce attorney in Miami should let you know what to bring beforehand, but if they don’t, then carry whatever documents you find relevant for the case. 

3. Be honest with the attorney 

Most people make the mistake of withholding information that has the potential of turning judgment in their favor, only to dish the details when it is too late. However sensitive the details surrounding your marriage are, be completely honest. If there was violence or restraining orders against your spouse or you, you need to let the attorney know so they can appropriately prepare the case. You should also bring any police reports you might have. It would be terrible for your attorney to find out about such details from your spouse or their attorney; it can put them in a compromising situation and weaken the case if already underway. Your divorce lawyer Miami should be someone you connect with and trust. 

4. Lay out all jointly owned property 

If you are meeting the attorney together with your spouse, then it would be best if you amicably discussed how you wish to split the property you own jointly. If you are meeting the lawyer alone, let them know about all businesses and property you have together. If there are written or verbal agreements, you should share the same with the lawyer. The information can have a huge impact on the action plan. It also helps the lawyer get well-prepared if there is any contention. You should also lay out trusts, pensions, and retirement funds. Your lawyer should be aware of everything you own or what you have the right to in the future. 

5. Do talk about the children 

Your Miami family attorney will be better placed in handling the divorce settlement if he knows everything that matters. The children are the most important, and it is crucial to let your goals be known regarding who gets custody and how you will handle visitations. The same should be done in case there are pets in the picture. 

When you prepare and find a qualified and experienced Miami family law attorney, your divorce process should be smooth and less tedious. 

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